the afternoons after school are too short to finish this cutouts in one day, most of the windows still need color, lou used a scalpel herself for the first time.
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still testing every step for her christmas present, the fabric wallhanging inspired by this. hope i will finish it in time.
the rehearsals for the next job, a theaterplay, started today. that's always the time when i get things done the best.
but i am a little bit worried about working again, i enjoyed "real life" so much.
but today it was relaxed and surprising, an incredible old african musician playing with the actors, what a natural selfconciousness and lack of any angst.
sometimes my work catapults me into worlds i never even thought about.
+ + +
and something finished by lou, recently invented, illustrated stories, it says:
art and dots and she says she can't draw but she can draw!

looks great! everything, houses and horses and her writing. i'm in the non-real world this week too, as i don't have time to do ANYTHING at home.
i just talked with my friend who directed a play and after the premier someone told her that none of the actors wanted to do the play. they were maybe one third of the people involved besides circus people and dancers, but still, what a let-down. i guess that theater making can only be wonderful if it all happens in good spirit, so i wish you that.
YES, what a difference a full-day-job makes! no time inbetween anything.
that is a sad story about your friends play, to put so much effort in a project and then being told that nobody wanted to anticipate. who or what forced them to work with him/her?
but i know that feeling if you work kind of bound by instructions (thats the term they always put into my contract) you live or die with the director anyway...
this time there is a lot of good spirit, people i would have never met in my real life, they all have a lot of humor and intelligence and thats very rare!
i suppose she's a guest director in that theatre and the house-actors were just supposed to participate. she's a circus director and teacher so maybe it was something very different for them. but i think 2/3 of the performers were fine. and she herself was happy about the play. but there had been some bad feelings in the making. it is very funny that this friend is my old friend, and now she's working very intensively with my newer friend who a set designer, they have met through work, not through me.
we are having Berlin people visit from tomorrow!
a circus director, what a profession, good that she was happy with her work in the end!
wish you good times with your Berlin friends
oh i love this post!! looks all supernice!
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