i somehow had to edit this post...
i am so bored of my own complains about to much work and no time, so, the kitchen table on saturday morning is a good image of the state i am in and everything that surrounds me, i'll take it as a challenge to find fun and beauty in this chaos.
making a garland for a children autumn party yesterday (me sewing, the only way to fix things i am good at) with my lou was fine and i just decided that soon everything will be in boxes like the garland today, orderly and finished.
i am always attracted by slightly messy surroundings of other people, i think it is very interesting to find the system behind it, it's inspiring but i want my own world to be immaculate but thats not the way i am made and living, it is just ridiciulous!
have a wonderful week, may it be organized or not.
so interesting, i looked at the pictures first, thinking how inspiring that beautiful garland (above the kitchen table) is, how warm the light and how pretty the colours, not in any way recognizing it as a mess... i love creative messes in other peoples houses but can't stand any kind of mess in my own... i guess that is similar to what you said in your post... it is only a mess if it is YOUR kitchen table. oh we burnt children... j seems to have gotten away (at least) with the ability to being messy. love and kisses from far west, d
the garland is wonderful!
i have a messy table too, but it was on a grey day when we needed the little table lamp. your table looks just wonderful, bathed in light. weaving in the next post looks great too. and, by the way, i haven't thought you would be complaining, just sounds like a busy period...
i'm not messy!!!!
thank you for your friendly comments , but i did not show you the real mess anywhere else, the kitchen table is the central place that gets a tidy up at least two times a day... you made me laugh about my obsession with unmessyness and made me think that my stress is more related with unfinished things than messes.thanks!
I think the mess on your kitchen table is beautiful, its funny how we can easily see the beauty in other peoples daily life and stress and in our own we get bogged down over things that seems like huge problems but in reality are small detials of the whole.Thanks for inspiring words.
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