A weekend fleamarketfind , very old pillowcovers, once beautifully repaired, will work with them, one of the many good things that made my day today.
According to my better mood, I have been listening to the swedish band Air France today. Light, summery, funny songs with titles like "collapsing at your frontdoor". My favorite song is "never content".
I just found your blog and i added you... i think your work is beautiful and your pictures, taste... good luck in all your beautiful projects...
thank you very much, your work and working situation looks dreamlike, to be able to do the whole process of dress/fabric/crafting/image-making at one place with the support of gifted people, perfect! but I know how much effort it is, did some small collections too, respect! AG
glad you are in a better mood, though "never content" ;) thanks for the music and for your ever inspiring blog. dicken kuss, d
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