I wanted to hide like Lou did this morning, she was sad because Germany did not won the european soccer cup and I am devastated because I have no plan. I just know I have to do and want to do so many things and I can't plan anything because there is no proper timeschedule for the film I will work for in summer which interferes and blocks any other decisions that have to be made. I am paralyzed with all the IF's at the moment.
I want to concentrate on my project, I want to know at which school Lou will start in september, when, where and with whom we/them/her will spend the summervacation, so many nice offers and possibilities, I want to be able to confirm other costumejobs soon because thats what pays my living... and I know it is very luxurious to have problems like this so I will try to be more confident again and find a starting point to unravel the whole indesicive situation.
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I like his pictureshop good photos like the white/yellow/black one i posted above.
happy to find a "polish" blog! as i am myself, my polish name ola. somehow i limited the blogworld to the northern and now middleeuropean parts; good to extend it. a great talent of urban graphic.
and yes, i know the thought of luxury; even your despription is more luxurious i find myself saying it often and recognizing that because i possess all that good conditions i should use them. and hej, i have a small idea (thanks for being a sewing artist... it somehow stroke me now that sewing would be something i definitely could start now and at home...)
hey! these are the most beautiful legs i have ever come across. with these legs you don't have to worry about anything! cheer up angel!
lki, the legs belong to Lou but I am in a much better mood now and do not envy my daughters legs because mine are not bad too at least up to the knee, parcel for the underdressed is still under construction, will let you know asa its ready! Yours A
that is so wierd, because i was trying to figuere out if it was lou and it doesn't look like a child at all it looks so like you! i was wondering about the skirt and i thought it is so cool of you to wear such a girl skirt and that you can absolutily wear it with these legs and than i was wondering who had taken the picture of you and I thought it might have been a selbstauslöser but that is so not you...
looked again and still can't see Lou. Only you!
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