L. bought tickets for us more than two weeks in advance for the Bon Iver concert at sunday night, it was cancelled two days before, they must had decided to skip Germany, what a pitty.
We decided to see Paranoid Parc by Gus van Sant instead. A good decision and an adequate substitute, the best contemporary film I saw in a long time. Everything was made surprisingly different but completely unpretentious, not following any fashion. The dramaturgy, the camera, and especially the music, how, what and when it was used, I am always impressed if I see the work of a free and brave mind, like in this film seeing a devastated teenager taking a shower, his delicate long hands covering his face,( the only part of him we are able to see), in the background at the bathroomwall a beautiful oldfashioned wallpaper with handdrawn birds, the noise of the water mixes slowly with the sound of crying birds, getting louder and louder and culminating in a very insisting jungle soundcollage. Such a perfect way to describe unspeakable pain.
well you better watch your english ;) because not only did you describe coming home so perfectly and beautifully in another post but now also this film scene. i will only be able to see the film on DVD but will check tonight if it is available, after your powerful description i want to watch it right away. thank you! ku. d
höre schon zum fünften mal bon iver zu; danke auch für den filmtip
Sehr gerne geschehen, L. ist der ewige Entdecker wunderbarer Musik, ich gebe es nur weiter.
...dear D. I am really flattered, nearly blushed too...thanks
schön, rote wangen... :) erst nach olas kommentar hab ich überhaupt den musiktip realisiert und höre es nun auch schon seit stunden. danke l, danke a.
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