Yesterday I spent the whole day in the production office in Wittenberge, dyeing a tracksuit and lingerie, you have to have patience to find the right color and time. Try and error.
Early in the morning I was on my own because this week we were shooting at night so everybody was still asleep. It was just me in the huge improvised office in the abandoned building. In the hall were cardboardboxes full of clothes and things the art department used for one of the houses they set up for our film. It was the complete household of a lady, a former teacher who died recently, they bought everything. I went through her things, clothes, pictures, childrens toys, everything was telling stories, I started being interested in her, realised all the different areas/fashions she went through, her children did not want any of her personal belongings after her death... in a suitcase, I found a uniform hat with the swastika, wrapped carefully in fabric, protected with antimothpaper. It still hits me that she kept it all the time.
I will keep some of the fabrics and dresses, I am planning to use them for my camouflageproject. I hope there will be time soon to start with it.
i like to see your temporary workspace, so ostdeutsch, now spooky and inspiring at the same time. the ladies stuff is a whole story for itself, i wonder why her children didn't want any of her mothers belongings. strange, don't you think? and then the nazi hat. a million stories could be spun many out of this... curious about your campouflage project! ku, d
oops, many typos... but a campouflage project doesnt sound so bad either... sorry, d
what did you think about this woman?
camouflage, in most langauages it is pronounced almost the same way, even in polish: kamuflaz, but i like the italian way as way: mimetizzazione. what does the dictionary say about it? i guess, you mostly find in the military context... aha, so the hat?
D und O vielen Dank für die schönen Variationen von Camouflage, das italienische und campouflage, großartig!
Dieser Post ist in einem sehr müden Zustand entstanden, mein englisch ist/war grauenhaft, ich habe mich in der Geschichte der Frau verloren, habe es nicht wirklich zusammenbekommen, schwankte immer zwischen Sympathie, Erstaunen und Abneigung, als Deutsche ist es mir immer noch schwer vorstellbar daß sich jemand ein Hakenkreuz aufbewahrt, das war für sie vielleicht mit persönlichen Erinnerungen verbunden, vielleicht das Einzige Stück Ihres gefallenen Mannes...Hier stoße ich immer wieder auf Verdrängung, SEDzeit, Nazizeit, hier ist nicht alles so gut aufgeräumt und abgewickelt wie bei uns.
Ja und davon endlich wieder meine eigenen Projekte zu machen träume ich täglich, ich habe mich hinterher erschrocken es veröffentlicht zu haben aber nein, dazu ist dieser Blog ja auch da!
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