This is Ida, a doll my mother made for me when I was a little girl, now she is with little L who dressed her like that today
she wears a dress I made for another doll for L with a matching one for herself
and a barbercape L made for her
Ida has a sister, her name is Nana, she lives in Vancouver like my sister D
this is so incrdebly pretty! love this dress. you should have 10 little girls and spend all your time dressing them and showing them around. or design childrens chlothes ;-)
I always get a bit sad thinking about what my girl misses out without a mother like you, her most beautiful dresses were made by you! von mir ganz zu schweigen. i would run around naked without you!
love lki
naaa, girls don't need necessarily crafty mothers, a writing bohemienne isn't that bad too.
...and L biggest wish today was a soccer T-shirt with PODOLSKI written on the back! I bought a soccer T -shirt and will print the soccerplayers name on it tomorrow, the original one was so ugly and expensive, hope she will not be disappointed about the semiselfmade fake!
oh hello ida! you really do look beautiful in that dress and i wonder if you got a haircut? nana is doing fine here, she is currently wearing maisys (mausis) clothes (or is is ist simons overall?) and i will post a picture of her later in the day. (lki, i agree, A must make more lovely dresses!) love, d+b
ha that funny! Just make sure to spell the name right. I vaguely remember a story about a boy who wanted a soccer t-shirt and his dad or mom couldn't afford it and made it themselves and than the name is spelled wrong and the boy notices and he doesn't want to hurt his fathers feeling so he has to walk around with this misspelled soccer player on his shirt making a joke out of himself. Heartbraking, isn't it.
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