Today was the art exhibition at Lou's school. ( I decided to give up on big and small L, too complicated), so you know now a bigger part of my daughters name! I was really amazed how good it was, the effort they made to set up the show and how devoted they worked on art with the children, from preschool to 6th grade, but we are not spoiled at all, our kindergarten was very special if it came to esthethic topics.
The wonderful yellow box had a label on his T-shirt that said "art for me is...happiness", the shoes are just artistique and the cardboard trompe L`oeil thing was made by Lou and her friend N. She did a big soccer thing as well, mentioned here because while writing this, Berlin is making silly, happy big noise, Germany just won the quarter final game ...it 's so loud!
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I found this incredible books in the bookshop today, the nice young french bookseller turned a blind eye to me when I was taking pictures, the complete edition was on sale for 350 Euro, so there was no point to buy them but there were all this incredible designed Ensemble rooms from the late 30ies to 1960 , a lot of strange curtains and room deviders, things I am extremely interested in at the moment. Look at this fabulous and decadent children rooms, like a screwball comedy setting for infants.
I always liked build in furniture, custom made rooms, our flat is the complete opposite. L. likes to rearrange things once in a while, so everything has to be flexible, our friends are sometimes a little bit irritated if they visit us and the sofa has just moved to the opposite side of the room.
So I will dream about this rooms and try to work on my interpretation.
i wish i could have come to lou's art show. what a great event. what is her soccer project? and the decoration of those rooms are just out of control, especially the nursery. absolutely wild - and so french.
Love this kind of posts! O it makes me happy. That mask, so cool, the shoes are great, and that book. Oh happiness :)
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