I saw this girl in the schoolyard at L's preschool today and was fascinated immediately by the colors of her outfit, seconds later I realized that she was wearing an old dress of my former children clothing collection and then felt very honored that someone liked a dress we made so much that they kept it for more then 3 years and that it was still looking so cool thanks to their styling and then it came to my mind that I know her mother a little bit, a talented stylist and photographer.

Found this 2nd hand dress for L. yesterday, it's calming me down to see beautiful things if nothing else gets organised or done quick enough.
you are revealing great talents; do you have some photos of that former doings? and a very nice bright photo; yes, cool
O yes, very cool styling :) Would like to see more from your clothing collections!
Danke Ola, ich werde mehr von den alten Sachen posten wenn ich meine Stapel von Unerledigtheiten die mich erdrücken endlich geschafft habe. Und am liebsten bald auch Neues. Wollte Dir einen Link schicken zu Landschaftarchitektur/Fotografie, ein Künstler der mit Natur arbeitet/schichtet/stapelt, mir fällt nur der Name nicht mehr ein, ich strenge mich an mich zu erinnern, bis dahin, Grüße aus Berlin
Thank you Elisabeth. I will post more as soon as things get a little bit calmer and more organized here...
can you believe it. great style. i can imagine how great it felt realizing she was wearing your dress. these moments are most rewarding, knowing someone really loved and cared and appreciated what you did with all your heart.
yes me too! would googling help...
L's dress is super nice too, i'm in a checkered period.
Thank you for the compliments. Hanna, googling would'nt help because unfortunately we did the collection just for 2 seasons and had to stop it because of time/money problems but I will post everything as soon as I find the time to set up a flickraccount. It is a good idea to store and share the work we did so everything will not just evaporate...
zwei wunderschöne fotos... ich hoffe du geniesst es in vollen zügen so zauberhaft zufällig erfahren zu haben, wie sehr deine schöpfungen geliebt werden. ich mail dir bald noch ein bild zum thema, kuss, d
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