

apparently, i somehow lost the thread here, again.

i made this blog to find out what i wanted to do beside my job as a costumedesigner, a neutral platform to publish some of my inspirations, show peeks into my everydaylife and to share some of the constant pleasure i have with my kid.

it seems like i finally found something that i want to learn, explore and make now and in the future, yes, weaving.
luck, coincidence and a close friend made it happen that i will have the chance to show some of the weaving experiments this summer at a nice and public place which means i can't show a lot of it here until then (the friend is very strict with that!).

so, at the moment i am a little bit helpless about what to post here or maybe most of my energy is absorbed in the real life and making but i still like to go on, i cherish this small public corner and the people i met here.

somehow it feels like a quiet little cafe around the corner where i come to a stop from time to time.
i just developed the bad habit of becoming a little bit sloppy, maybe i should dress up and care a little bit more.


L's brother has been to the amazonas in peru and brought some necklaces and beautifully beaded pieces.
now she wants to be a djungle girl for carneval, this is one of our reference pictures but she said she is not going to wear fake breasts.


Edieliv said...

no need to dress up!
come as you are, that's how we like you. lovely just as you are.

ola said...

ich hoffe sehr ich kriege eure ausstellungseröffnung mit. du hörst dich glücklich an. ich habe inzwischen keine bilder deiner arbeit vor augen, aber ich vermute sehr, dass löcher vorkommen werden, big big holes. viele grüße

anette said...

ola, ich schicke dir natürlich dann eine einladung, wird aber in hamburg sein.
du kannst aber auch sehr gerne mal vorbei kommen.
ja klar, es gibt löcher, ich bin glücklich zu weben und meine ideen endlich umzusetzen, ist aber auch schwierig, das handwerk und mit den eigenen ideen zu leben, aber gut!
ich hoffe es geht dir gut

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